There are a number of options for dealing with CDs or DVDs. You could give them away to friends or relatives, or via The Freecycle Network™ or craigslist, or donate them to a non-profit organization, which they in turn sell to raise money. Again, be aware that the criteria of accepted items can be very specific, which may or may not coincide with what you want/need to get rid of at any given time. So, you'll need so keep that in mind should you go that route. Here are a couple of organizations I came across that accept such donations, however I have not tried myself:
- Housing Works Used Book Cafe (also accepts records and CDs)
- Neighborhood Coalition for Shelter's Shop, Emporium Online
I'm sure at this point, with the growth of the Internet, there are hundreds of swap sites to choose from, so you may be aware of others that you prefer. In fact let me offer this disclaimer right now:
My upcoming reviews of these sites strictly reflect my particular experience ONLY! (as does everything else discussed on twigghugger!) You're mileage may vary, so the sites described here (and elsewhere on twigghugger) may or may not end up being your cup of tea.
Having by now accumulated a bit of swapping experience under my belt, my ideal swapping situation
- allows me to generate a shipping label (free, or the allowing the postage to be prepaid by credit card)
- allows me to drop the item in the mailbox, thus avoiding the lines at the post-office or dealing with cranky postal clerks
- allows the option of sending/receiving all materials (jewel or DVD case, liner notes, artwork, etc)
- is as simple as possible to use in terms of listing and tracking items for trade
Be that as it may, for my purposes, one CD/DVD swap site did emerge as my preferred site. Here is a quick and dirty chart summing up my overall opinions.
but I will discuss them all in more detail in separate, upcoming posts. Stay tuned!
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